Mendi Finance

Mendi Finance is a Linea-native decentralized lending protocol, providing high incentives through its bribe-reward tokenomics, and sharing profits with stakers. Read writing …

You can access the official website for Mendi Finance at​ (Mendi Finance)​​ (Introduction | Mendi Finance)​.

Mendi Finance is a decentralized lending protocol operating on the Linea network. It offers a range of financial services for individuals, institutions, and protocols. Key features include:

  1. Decentralized Lending and Borrowing: Users can deposit their assets, use them as collateral, and borrow against them in a fully decentralized and non-custodial manner, similar to platforms like Compound Finance and AAVE​ (Introduction | Mendi Finance)​​ (Mendi Finance)​.

  2. Staking: Users can stake their MENDI tokens to receive protocol revenue shares. There are two staking options:

    • sMENDI: Rewards in MENDI and oLYNX.

    • uMENDI: Rewards in USDC and oLYNX​ (Mendi Finance)​.

  3. Security: Mendi Finance integrates with Chainlink, Hypernative, and other security services to ensure a secure DeFi experience​ (Mendi Finance)​​ (Introduction | Mendi Finance)​.

  4. Community and Governance: Mendi Finance operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), allowing token holders to participate in governance and decision-making processes​ (Introduction | Mendi Finance)​​ (Mendi Finance)​.

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